Cock and Cunt Play Today


This piece is a contemporary reinterpretation of Judy Chicago’s Cock and Cunt Play (1971), a comedic skit about gender stereotypes and domestic violence. It was first performed at Womanhouse (1972) by Faith Wilding and Janice Lester who wore black leotards and over-sized vinyl genitalia and recited their lines with exaggerated voices. In the original play the Cunt’s simple request for help washing the dishes ends in her own murder at the hands of the macho and chauvinistic Cock.

This new version is decidedly less violent and incorporates two additional characters: Cervix and Sperm. It begins with Cunt asking that Cock help her with the dishes, but when he quickly complies, Cunt gets aroused. The Cervix appears when Cock penetrates Cunt, but much to her chagrin, Sperm arrives shortly thereafter. The Cervix character takes inspiration from artist/sex-guru Annie Sprinkle who showed her cervix to live audiences as part of her solo show Post Porn Modernist (1989).

Read the script >

Performed with Judy Batalion, Genevieve Maxwell and Sharon Bennett

Filmed by Richard Canham and Francesca Ungaro, Edited by Oriana Fox

Photos by Christa Holka