When was the last time you really took notice of your surroundings? Whether it’s natural beauty or some unique and interesting detail that usually goes unnoticed? So often we go through life and we forget to be aware of the world around us.
For this wellbeing workshop I helped participants get in touch with their inner child so as to begin the new year by savouring each and every precious moment of life. I began by sharing my life story and the work I’ve done in psychoanalysis, Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy, C.B.T., E.M.D.R, hypnotherapy and aromatherapy. After offering my insights and advice to participants, they in turn told their own stories and began to work towards positive change and emotional wellness. Everyone drew an image that represented their identity and discussed these with the group.Then, to get our bodies in tune with the newfound openness and flexibility of our minds, we performed theatrical mirroring exercises, folk dancing as well as a full-on aerobic workout.